
News Stories

Healthy Snack is Back

We are please to announce that the “Healthy Snack Program” at St. Julia Billiart is back on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. All snacks are peanut and nut safe and individually packaged. Thank you to our Grade 8 leaders who are helping to facilitate this program in our school.

Hallowe’en Pumpkin Contest

It was great this year to celebrate Hallowe’en in a more traditional way with our annual pumpkin contest. There were many creative entries by each of the classrooms. Congratulations to Ms. Pellegrino’s kindergarten class, Mrs. Weldon’s Frankenstein Class, Mrs. Vella’s “The Leviathan” and Mr. Arbour’s class with Monster Inc. Please see photos below. Thank you to the 19th Avenue Farmer’s Market for the donation of ... Continue reading "Hallowe’en Pumpkin Contest"