
News Stories

An Evening with Michael and Christine Way Skinner

Mental Wellness

Dear St Julia Families,

Please join us on Tuesday June 5th in our school gym as St Julia’s Catholic School Council welcomes Michael and Christine Way Skinner. Michael and Christine will be speaking on mental wellness and being catholic in trying times. The evening will begin at 7:00pm. All St Julia Families are welcome to attend. Please ... Continue reading "An Evening with Michael and Christine Way Skinner"

Year End BBQ

Please join us on Friday June 1st as we celebrate our year end BBQ. Games, food and fun are on the menu. All St Julia family members are welcome to attend.

Victoria Day

This is a reminder that Monday May 21st is Victoria Day. There are no scheduled classes for students. Classes will resume on Tuesday May 22nd. Happy long weekend!

Book Fair

During Catholic Education Week students will be visiting our book fair with their class. The book fair is also open after school for parents to visit until 4:00pm. Thank you for all your support.

CSC Meeting

This is a reminder that our next school council meeting will take place on Thursday May 17th at 7:00pm. The meeting will take place in our school library and all St Julia family members are welcome to attend.