Category: General

Purple Day

On Tuesday October 24th we are asking everyone to dress in purple to support Child Safety and Rights of Children Day. Wear your best hat, shoes, t-shirt, pants or any other clothing item to show your support. School dress code will remain in effect for this event.

PA Day

This is a reminder that Friday October 20th is a Professional Learning Day (PA Day) for teachers. There are no scheduled classes for the students. Classes resume on Monday October 23rd. Enjoy your long weekend!

CSC Meeting

Please join us on Thursday October 19th for our next council meeting. The meeting will take place in the school library and will begin at 7:00pm. All members of the St Julia Billiart parent community are welcome to attend.

Happy Thanksgiving

On behalf of all St Julia’s staff we would like to wish our families a Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy the long weekend to spend time with your families and loved ones. As a reminder there are no scheduled classes for students on Monday October 9, 2017. Classes will resume on Tuesday October 10, 2017.