Category: General

Thank you to our CSC!

A Huge thank you to members of our Catholic School Council who volunteered their time and efforts to make our annual Halloween dance and festivities such a huge success!  Our Council works tirelessly to plan, coordinate and carry out so many events throughout the year and the Halloween dance is just another example of the significant contribution our Council is making to building our school ... Continue reading "Thank you to our CSC!"

We Scare Hunger

student written post:

This year St. Julia’s Luke 4:18 committee will be participating in WE Scare Hunger – a Me to We initiative. Luke 4:18 members will deliver boxes to our classrooms on Tuesday for non-perishable food item donations.

We will be collecting non-perishable food items from October 23 to November 2, and are hoping to create ... Continue reading "We Scare Hunger"

Milk Program

For anyone interested in our milk program please note that the order forms will be sent home with students today!  You may also access a copy of this form on our website under “parents” –> “letters & forms”.  Enjoy!

Extra! Extra! Read the St. Julia Newsletter!

Monthly Newsletters

A reminder that our school newsletter and monthly calendar of events are located on our website under the “parents” tab.

Please feel free to refer to the calendar and to read the monthly newsletter to get all the latest information and updates about all the AMAZING things that are happening here at St. Julia! ... Continue reading "Extra! Extra! Read the St. Julia Newsletter!"

Welcome Back for Another Great Year!

Staff and students have returned for another exciting year at St. Julia!  Thank you to all for a great first week back and for helping to ensure a smooth transition from summer to school.  We are excited to welcome any new staff and students, including all of our brand new first year Kindergartens!  We look forward to all of the learning and excitement that always ... Continue reading "Welcome Back for Another Great Year!"